Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have no faith, but i should. Many miracles have occured in my life, and i have experienced them first hand and yet i still do not believe. WHY is that? I dont even know. Maybe its because I'm too damn lazy. I have every reason to have hope and faith. My cousin is a miracle child. He was brought into this world even though the doctors told my aunt she couldnt have any more babies and he was not born head first. That right there is enough to make anyone believe. But not me. Then there was the time a robber stabbed my uncle straight in the back, and yet no damage. He was perfectly fine, ofcourse he was in pain and moved gingerly, but there was no real damage done. Then there was the time i was crossing the street and a car was charging right at me and somehow the driver was able to stop the car right before it hit me. There was literally a couple inches distance between us. Despite all these miracles and many more, i still do not believe. I dont know what it is about me but i guess i am just not the religious type. Oh well.

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